Having a pet, a beloved friend, running around the house all the time, playing with you, loving you and devoting your fragile and limited life completely to you, is one of the greatest joys. Which we as humans can choose. felt
Not only are they adorable to look at and cuddle with, and a free source of fun and laughter all day long, but owning a pet can bring with it many social, emotional and physical benefits. .
They teach us self-love, relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and playtime with them has been shown to boost immunity and reduce the risk of heart disease.
But making that decision is the easiest step in the process.

We are listing 6 important points that you should consider before visiting an adoption agency:
Ask yourself if you are ready.
Wanting a pet, and having a pet are two completely different worlds. A pet comes with many responsibilities. Ask yourself if you can commit to the time and energy that a pet demands. Remember that a pet is a child that never grows up, so they need constant attention and care throughout their lives. If you have any doubts about your availability to meet the various needs of your pet, we suggest that you take some more time and think about the issue.
Look in the options
Once you've decided that owning a pet is something you can afford socially, mentally, and emotionally, try to consider different options. You may already know whether you want a puppy or a kitten or a rabbit, but we recommend that you visit adoption centers, and give senior dogs and cats a chance. They are always, always a great choice, and in desperate need of homes.

Talk to your family.
Make sure your family is on your side with pet adoption. Regardless of whether you live with them or not, it's best to have this discussion and set expectations and boundaries accordingly. We don't want any surprises for the new baby in the house or for your parents.
Think about the space in your home.
Pets need plenty of space to run around and be free. Cats, birds and rabbits are fine, however, if you are bringing a canine friend, and you live in a relatively small home, we would recommend that you choose a small dog rather than a German Shepherd.
Pets are a serious commitment.
Remember that pets are a commitment, not just fun and games. They can be painful at times. They can be rebellious and unruly, and take on more than you expect. There is nothing more heartbreaking than a pet being abandoned by their owners.

Manage your finances.
From special diets to vaccinations to spaying and neutering. Make sure you are financially responsible enough to adopt them. Another major reason for giving up pets is that people make impulsive decisions without understanding the costs associated with it.
Now that you have a better idea of your intentions, and you've decided which child to bring back home, what are the next steps?
Loads and loads of preparation
You may decide to contact a local pet agency to determine your eligibility. Make your home pet-proof (no more lilies if you have cats).\
Assign dedicated space.
Reserve a part of the house (or room) just for them. Although dogs are social animals, they can also be anxious, and will need a safe space. For cats, this is where they will go and visit you occasionally.
Prepare a checklist.
Check out our pet ownership checklist to get a better idea.
Contact a local veterinarian.

Research the best doctors in your area. Luckily, we've got you covered. Read our reviews here.
There is no end to learning.
open to constantly learning, research and talk to other pet parents. Owning a pet has many cracks and crevices to navigate, but there is true joy in sharing your home and life with a fragile creature and loving them unconditionally and getting the same from them ( Even cats!)